Pulmonaria officinalis, Boraginaceae
Photo No. 78: Pulmonaria officinalis, Boraginaceae (Open in new window), Author: , Date: April 21, 2014
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Student Exchange Programe

The journey to Macedonia was offered by the Association of the Czech Students of Pharmacy (SČSF) and International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF). The IPSF offers to students from pharmaceutical faculties all over the world to take part in a Student Exchange Programme (SEP). It works simply like this: a student picks up three different countries, where s/he would like to travel to. In case there are enough free places and the student complies with the conditions of acceptation, s/he will travel to one of the selected country. Than the practice can be taken in a public or hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry or at a university. The choice of the countries is actually very wide.


Student Exchange Programme


My countries of choice were Great Britain, Finland and USA. However, I did not get to neither of these places. And eventually ended up with going to Macedonia. It was mainly for the taste of adventure, that the country promised!



