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Mentoring, Coaching and Negotiating for results

šipka - arrow Back to the articlesAdded Sun November 13, 2011, 21:30  |  Number of views of the article 12558x  |  Comments Comments (1x)
Topic:  |  Series: My Journey to PhD
zdroj: two-day workshop was organized by ACSA - Academic Centre of Student Activities in Brno. ACSA educates students in the field of higher education legislation, project management, the art of communication and argumentation and so on. It provides counselling service for student organizations and foundations.

The workshop I took part in was lectured by Dr. Eddie Fisher. Eddie has a pretty long row of academic and non-academic degrees behind his name. Dr. Eddie Fisher Ph.D., M.Sc., FAPM, FBIFM, MIOD. (Ph.D. a Master of Science are quite known... FAMP = Fellow of the Association for Project Management, FBIFM = Fellow of the British Institute of Facilities Management, MIOD = Member of the Institute of Directors).

I guess that even after the above given explanation an over-average student of Pharmacy cannot actually say, what Eddie Fisher deal with. He is, shortly to say, a trained project manager. He leads people, especially the one from business.


I enrolled this course to broaden my knowledge in the fields of management. Actually, to be honest with you - to get some... :) Learn something from any different discipline is always useful. And particularly when it is related to human resources.

I felt disappointed at the very first moment. I had imagined I would learn how to manage and couch people and how to negotiate with them eventually. Nevertheless, my impress has gotten improved, when I realized, that couple of hours is definitely not enough to learn such techniques.

An average business negotiating course might cost about 100.000 Czech crowns. Such a workshop usually takes place in a hotel, lasts for 5 to 7 days and is for 12 people maximum. The participants work during evenings and nights, too. During the day they take intensive lectures combined with lots of practical exercises. It is very similar with the seminars for mentoring and couching. It  is worth for the companies paying such courses, as having a trained negotiator is very precious for them.


What we learnt during the course then, was what is the difference between mentoring and couching, when and how to use the techniques, what are their principles and what can you gain using them. I really appreciated the course a lot. It was a good beginning for someone, who knows zero about business and management.

You might be wondering why a scientist actually desires to learn stuff like management and HR and PR. Well, this is also what the science is about! So. Next month I am taking another courses. This time concerning the communication skills. And you bet, I will be here with a next report!

If you are interested in taking some courses in ACSA, you might register here. But be careful, ACSA usually enrolls only students, who are members of a registered student association. Czech Pharmacy Students' Association is a member of ACSA!

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November 13, 2011, 21:52 (No. 83)Duke

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Jen dodám, že členové SČSF se mohou přihlásit v Informačním systému ACSA do organizace. V případě, že byste měli problémy najít SČSF v seznamu organizací, kontaktujte tajemníka -

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