IronMan WorldChampionship Kona, Hawai
Photo No. 70: IronMan WorldChampionship Kona, Hawai (Open in new window), Author: , Date: December 13, 2013
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READ MORE šipka - arrowAdded Mon June 23, 2014, 21:30  |  Number of views of the article 5631x  |  Comments Feel free to leave a comment  |  Article with a photogallery.
Topic: Sport  |  Series: The Lowlands
I remember the day as if it was yesterday. The Day when I decided to become a triathlete. It was an early November Friday noon and I was on a soon-to-become regular training with Janine in a swimming pool in Amsterdam Oost. Finishing the session being full of endorphins I made a sudden decision: Let’s tri-race! (Actually the decision sounded more like Let’s complete a HalfIronMan in 2014! which turned up to be a rather brave decision.)
READ MORE šipka - arrowAdded Tue February 4, 2014, 14:23  |  Number of views of the article 15418x  |  Comments Comments (1x)  |  Article with a photogallery.
Topic: Sport  |  Series: The Lowlands
Sven Nys a Zdeněk Štybar the epic duel in HoogerheideI have not been following cyclocross this season very much. I got absorbed by triathlon and instead of watching cycloX world cup races, I became an eager consumer of videos about swimming and tri-transition techniques. I realized that the 2014 World Championship takes place in the Netherlands just a few days before the actual racing weekend. When I discovered that the double world X champion Zdeněk Štybar is also going to compete, I did not hesitate a second and went to get myself a ticket for the Sunday’s Men Elite Race.
READ MORE šipka - arrowAdded Fri December 13, 2013, 21:57  |  Number of views of the article 8389x  |  Comments Feel free to leave a comment
Topic: Sport  |  Series: The Lowlands
My race bike was standing still in my room when the summer got already over its peak this year. And I realized that not taking the rocket out would be a mortal sin. But since I had a significant lack of sport motivation by that time I knew I wouldn’t break the wall of laziness just on my own. Therefore I started looking for a cycling group that would take my ass out on bike. And I found one: Cyclodammers. When I joined the group at the beginning of August, I had no clue what will this juncture develop in just a few months later.
